Like Words Together Reflections from the deep end of Practice.


Sorting: Clothing Edition

Today I sorted through eight large bins of clothing. Much of it doesn't fit, that which did fit just isn't what I'm wearing any longer. I sorted out 12 paper bags, half to go to an organization helping houseless citizens and the rest to Goodwill. There's a small amount of sentimental things. Thete was a few that fit again!

A couple of bins were CK's, which were sorted for best use as well. Tomorrow I'll move all the bags out of the house.

My back doesn't appreciate the effort, but my heart is lighter.

Obie threw up some water this evening, no food that I could find. He was also uninterested in bedtime meal again, not in the least so I needed to shoot house meds into his mouth. He's been crouching this evening at times, looking like he's uncomfortable. Trying to decide if it's time, if he's just not enjoying anything any more. We'll see how he is in the morning.

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