April Moon
Yesterday I forgot my personal laptop on my desk at my office. I'd had it with me while taking Mom to her labwork and forgot to drop it off at the house when I took Mom home. Yes, I could have borrowed one of CK's laptops or I could have typed something up on my tablet, but instead I just wrote down a haiku inspired by the gorgeous April full moon.

Old School - April 25, 2013 - Portland, OR
Not sure why there aren't moon-viewing gatherings in the spring, perhaps the weather is less likely to be lovely as it is in autumn. Our new deck is perfect for watching the moon rise and track across the sky. Clearly an autumn party will need to be planned for.

April Moon - April 25, 2013 - Portland, OR
The text of the haiku, if it is too hard to read the tiny picture of it:
Bunny hopping up.
Golden Spring moonrise above.
I gaze in delight.
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