Like Words Together Reflections from the deep end of Practice.


Perfect Kitten

He's demanding, it's surprising house loud a creature that's 2 pounds, 9 ounces, makes! He wants out of the bathroom and into the yoga room with one of us. CK's den is fine too, he spent much of the afternoon in there with her.

Mostly he wants to be held. Bursts of kitten exuberance, old shoelaces are the best, but mostly snuggles. Right now he's trying to eat my hoodie tie.

He loves you get up on our shoulders!

We've introduced him to the dogs. Dora became Momma Dog, she had a litter years ago, and groomed him. He was unafraid of her and was playing!

Bertie will take more work. He's so over excited that he jumps up still.

CK posted online that he's perfect. I'm really glad since I feel like I keep being there one with unplanned creatures that fall in love with me and I them!

He's such a good antidote to the incoming winter blues alongside another COVID shutdown.

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