Spring Surprises

Ruffled Tulips - April 20, 2013 - Portland, OR
Each day in our new home brings a lot of surprises. Finding out what color the camellias are (several: red, white, pink, variegated), waiting to see what colors the rhododendrons will be (white and red, so far), confirming azaleas (purple, white, and perhaps a gold one). Plus small surprises, including this single clump of ruffled tulips all alone.
Tulips unfurling.
Green edges turning to red.
Ruffled Spring surprises.
Hilo Bodhisattva

Bodhisattva - March 5, 2013 - Hilo, HI
Stone Bodhisattva.
I smile back as I walk by.
Offer a small bow.
We Stumble Forward

Dogwood - April 18, 2013 - Forest Grove, OR
What remains is this:
Actions, words, and our memories.
We stumble forward.
The Flowers Don’t Care

Spring Tree - April 15, 2013 - Wilsonville, OR
The flowers don't care.
Without noticing my grief
They reach for the sun.

Arising - April 16, 2013 - Wilsonville, OR
Each winter the
Stream and ponds
Darken with algae,
Obscuring the light.
Sunlight's increase
Gradually warms,
Then clears,
Soon the
Lotus grow
Arising from
The muck
Beneath the
Clear waters.
Changable Weather

April Evening - April 15, 2013 - Portland, OR
Spring is
For changeable
Gray rain
Clouds suddenly
Blow apart
Such glorious
Color and
That I am
The Energy of Spring

Blossoms - April 12, 2013 - Portland, OR
The energy of spring.
Life demanding to burst forth.
Exploding in growth.

Still Pond - April 12, 2013 - Portland, OR
Today I helped with the sorting at my friend's apartment. The packing, the sifting, the cataloging, analyzing, and inventorying of a life. It is so hard.
Before going to do that, while CK attended a planning meeting for our fiend's memorial, I went out to skim the pond. It is a task that calls to me in our new home, definitely a work practice. Even as I lift pine needles off the surface of the water the wind blows new ones down, always more to be removed. I like the sound of the water dripping, the movement of the net made of silk screen material, finding the best method for collecting the needles and leaves.
Today I discovered that some of the water lilies we saw leaves for last summer have survived the winter and was lifting small, red leaves out from the murky bottom and up toward the sun.
Lily reaching up.
Emerging from dark water.
Spreading leaves sun-ward.
CK has written a very moving piece on her blog about our friend's death and about living with chronic illness (mental and/or physical) here.
Budding Lilacs

Damp Lilac Buds - April 12, 2013 - Portland, OR
Rain damp, ready to burst.
Clusters of sweet-scented jewels.
Dark lilac blossoms.
Stacking Stones

Cairn and Ferns - April 11, 2013 - Portland, OR
There is
A particular
in the
Of finding
Stones --
For stacking.
Then setting
Oneself to
The careful