Like Words Together Reflections from the deep end of Practice.


Bathtime Gratitude

I was grateful today was a short day. I taught two classes before noon and was all done. Being done so early gave me time to do some things around the house, including making a pot of soup for dinner. As the day wore on I realized my back was hurting a lot and my whole left side, along my ribs ached. My wife suggested a bath and asked how long it had been.

I realized that it had been at least a month since I had a good soak or any kind of heat treatment (e.g., sauna). My doctor highly recommends I have a super salty epsom salts regularly, as hot as I can stand it for as long as I can. While I also take a calcium / magnesium supplement, a hot soak in 3 pounds of epsom salts dissolved into the tub really does help my overly tight muscles.

Tonight I got fancy, lit the candles and used one of the fancy bath bombs my wife gave me for my birthday. As I luxuriated in the hot, scented, silky-soft water, I felt buoyed up by gratitude for the luxury of a tub full of that much hot water, so much clean drinkable water that I then add salt too! Getting out, I was really enjoying how I can just shut everything down and just soak, just rest in the stillness without worrying about my phone ringing.

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