Then the Smoke Came

A wind storm had knocked out power all over town. We've got LED lanterns staged around the house after several power flickers. With it has come forest fire smoke, filling the whole area rapidly as the wind picked up.
I'm grateful I took the opportunity to nap out in my hammock before this happened. CK texted me to come in just at I was checking the air quality, it had a faint whiff of campfire a little after 4pm.
I went out before making dinner to cut back some overgrown bamboo. The wind was whipping it around so hard that I was worried the tomatoes and sunflowers would be hit. I was glad I got my ventilator mask out for that prolonged task. Just from taking care of the dogs and dinner, easy BBQ tonight, I can tell I've been in the wood smoke.
All that and I fell trying get the distracted bulldog in. I'm fine, rolled right down with minimal scraping of skin. I caught my foot against a branch.
As if this year needed to be any more apocalyptic!