I wanted to write about finding out that Inktober was founded by a guy who plagiarized another artist's work, then trademarked it, then sued other artists who tried to sell collections using the drawings they created using his InktoberTM prompts! Something about appropriation and appreciation with art.
Or even that I finally got the 2016 taxes accepted by the IRS today. Or that I talked to Obie's vet about how to know it's time.
Then CK came running out of the bedroom as I was motivating myself to do the dishes to tell me that Trump and Melania have COVID.
My brain is spinning, "What the fuck? Now what?!"
I'm just flummoxed. Part of me wondered if it's "fake news", we've been lied to so repeatedly and egregiously by this administration. Then I'm worried he will die, then we get Pence and an election weeks away?!
How quickly do I need to start acting on getting stuff out of the house? What will happen?!
Will Biden get it? They were unmasked, indoors, during the fucking debate? What if Biden dies?!
Yeah, so that's my brain. I've already done the dishes and put in some laundry. I may very well do some handstands in a moment to see if that turns down the spin.
Oh and I'm having bourbon.