Like Words Together Reflections from the deep end of Practice.


Saturday Success

I taught another online workshop today! I moved my annual Meditation for Beginners workshop online and it went pretty well.

Zoom isn't the way to go with registration. 3 people each accessed a different way, 2 trying alternates after having problems with the email they were sent. 1 couple couldn't ever get on and we went to a backup number!

This meant we started a half hour late. I had anxiety sweat halfway to my waist! Despite that I just asked if people could stay longer and we got underway.

I'm learning more each time I do one. Next month I'm not using Zoom to process registrations.

Then lots of support for CK ad she created a timeline of micro, and outright, aggressions from one source at work. It's pretty exhausting stuff, so I'm trying to make sure there's comforting meals, listen, sympathize, and read stuff as needed.

It's a good distraction from worrying about new COVID strains as we stop have no idea when we're up in the vaccination process. Ursa's an even better distraction, he's guilty cat shaped and still growing!

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