Like Words Together Reflections from the deep end of Practice.


The Exploding Inner World

Tumblr reminded me of this quote I posted a while back, it felt fitting to revisit today

"To traverse the exploding inner world, a person needs to be able to not only name what’s going on but to cultivate themselves to be present with whatever shows up, learning over time how to welcome the discord."
- Deirdre Fay

Although our friend IK left this world 7 years ago yesterday, it is always the 10th it hits me hardest. Almost as if it took an entire day to integrate the loss and shock. Whenever I hit this date blip I feel shame, the echo of the shame I felt when IK committed suicide over how wrapped up we were caring for my Mother.

Teaching gave me a little boost, but much of the day I was in a fog. Astounded by the death toll, the ghoulish politicians, and stewing over trauma memories. No surprise I dozed outside rather than yard work.

A haiku for a groggy Friday afternoon.

Dozing in sunlight.
Apple blossoms nod along.
This moment is whole.

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