Vintage Pyrex and Grief

I feel a little while back and my backpack went flying of my body, badly wrenching my right hand. It's remained stiffer in one finger and tender, which makes my hand a little clumsy.
A last week, while putting away some dishes while food cooked, my hand cramped and I dropped my favorite Pyrex mixing bowl. It shattered impressively and I felt terrible. I've lost count of how many things I've made in it over the years.
It was a vintage one from a set my Mother had from my early childhood. Originally there were four bowls, all in patterns or shades of avocado green.
She decided to get rid of them after breaking the largest when I was at college. I asked for the three remaining, using them for the past 30 years!
I thought about trying to scour thrift stores until I found a replacement. Vintage Pyrex is often to be had, I've aquired some additional cool pieces of baking dishes.
Then I remembered COVID, so no Goodwill Hunting.
Then I considered getting rid of the remaining ones and finding a new-to-me set, ones that weren't tied to my childhood. This has real appeal!
Turns out the "Cinderella" mixing bowl sets after kind of a thing. It's probably $150 for a set of four, shipped! Not terrible, but still a lot to think about.
So I just put all that on the proverbial back burner. There was a couple attempt to be distracted by.
Until tonight, when I wanted to make cornbread and went to get out my mixing bowl and it all came back.
The broken bowl, COVID, the coup, all the socially distant everything. It just all hurt.
I persevered and madder cornbread in the modern, OXO, plastic bowl. It was fine, even if it felt off. The cornbread was good for dessert.
We're in day one of an Atmospheric River. I miss driveway hangouts from summer and autumn.
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